My goal in coaching teens is to help them get through whatever they are going through. Recognizing their struggles, validating their struggles, helping them guide through their struggles with tools I have available. One of my core elements in coaching is how can you be the best version of yourself to overcome what you are going through. If you are reading this, it’s a good chance you are a parent of a teenager. You probably have dealt with challenges in talking with your teen about certain subjects or may have seen your child overwhelmed by something in their lives and it’s difficult to help them. This is where life coaching comes in. I use evidence based coaching to help them identify their true struggles and offer guidance in helping them find the inner strength to overcome.

Grow through what you are going through

One of the essential aspects about my coaching that makes me different from other coaches is that I offer an unbiased opinion in a safe place especially in today’s world. I help with a wide array of challenges that many teens deal with including depression, anxiety, loneliness, addiction, low self-worth, communication, expressing themselves, low to no motivation and other social hinderances. Outside of social skills, your teen could be dealing with bad grades, not finishing homework, easily distracted, and a variety of behavioral habits that can be harmful which in turn can have a long-lasting impact negatively.

My ability to recognize the situation has been developed through years of working in teaching and juvenile detention. I saw positive and negative ways of helping teens deal with life’s struggles. It’s not always pretty but we can’t give up on our youth. It takes someone to be non-judgmental to see the teenager as who they are. I am well known to be truly genuine and authentic. No matter what your teen is dealing with, I recommend reaching out to me about the challenges that are occurring and we can go from there. Contact me today and let’s get connected!